Hilarious Video: Sensitive Dog Gets Emotional Over Beatles’ Success

Sensitive dog gets emotional over Beatles' success. Photo: Reproduction Instagram
Sensitive dog gets emotional over Beatles’ success. Photo: Reproduction Instagram

The hilarious video of a puppy becoming extremely moved by its owner playing a Beatles song is making internet users burst into laughter!

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The amusing clip shows a man playing “Blackbird” by the Beatles alongside his Boxer dog, who is deeply moved by the iconic song.

Published a few days ago on Instagram, the video has already received over 6,000 likes and numerous comments from viewers who enjoyed the scene.

“Great voice, seems to know all the words,” joked one Instagram user. “I love this breed!” exclaimed another. “My favorite Beatles song,” shared a third viewer.

As descendants of wolves, dogs also howl, according to the Wag website. Some theorize that the reason dogs make certain sounds is because the tone or pitch reminds them of another dog’s howl.

This content was created with the help of AI.

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